
2021-06-15 10:35:21


Group jade pei is an integral part of clothing. It has a long origin and inheritance from successive generations, which is not only a symbol of the nobility, but also as a tool for etiquette occasions. Step is to have a certain rhythm, have a certain rules. The ancient nobles often take the group of jade pei in the jade pieces touch each other as the measure of the pace of the sound, the higher the identity, the smaller the pace, the slower the walk, the more extraordinary the bearing, at the same time, the nobles walk always listen to the sound of the jade, associate jade virtue, always remind themselves to pay attention to the monarch and ministers, polite.


According to the "Rites of the Office of Zhou Yu" and "the biography of the ceremony", the shape of the group is "double balance, double Juan, Ju miscellaneous, Chong, teeth, beads to take the meantime". The group jade pei painted by Mr. Guo Baojun during the Warring States Period was as follows, composed of bi, Hengpei, Ju, Yu and Chong Ya. Now more think to the ring, wall, honing, Juan as the main body, with beads, tube, jade dragon, jade phoenix, jade people and so on. The difference is that they use silk ribbons of decorations, pieces, rings, dragon and phoenix tiger shaped pei as the main components. These groups of jade wear components, can be used as separate pieces, and can be connected into groups, and add rich atmosphere. Archaeological excavations show that the higher the social status, the more complex the jade string ornaments they wear, the more elaborate the production, the lower identity, the ornaments become simple and small. Behind this phenomenon is related to the gait between the nobles at that time, the higher the identity, the smaller the pace, the slower the walk, the more elegant, demeanor. And with a long group of jade pei inconvenient to practice, the nobles walk slowly, thus lining its noble identity of the reserve.


Chi dragon, one of the sources of the legendary Chinese dragon, also known as Chi tail, is a kind of sea beast. When Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty, someone said that chi dragon is water essence, fire prevention, to avoid fire; suggested on the roof of the nine dragons, the ancient book in the cloud: "its second chi kiss, sex, the animal head on the house is also." (Body like a beast, good habits to look or good risk, become today's temple on the roof of the tower and other high dragon, or the roof of the corner of the beast, can also press the fire. ) According to the above statement, the chi dragon should be the gecko in our life. Chi (chi) dragon said one of the sources of the legendary dragon in ancient Chinese Han, also called Chi tail, is a kind of sea beast; the second is the dragon nine children. Chi dragon means good, auspicious, but also means the feelings of men and women.

此《螭纹玉佩》为九块小的组合为一块大的衔接非常完美, 属于清代吉祥类玉饰品,既可佩带,亦可把玩。以玉祈求吉祥,往往是通过刻于 其上的吉祥语、图案或瑞兽来表达。螭自古以来就被人们视作瑞兽,被作为吉祥图案刻在器 物上,而单独用作玉器的装饰则始于战国,也是汉代玉器较流行的装饰题材,传说佩之可辟 邪祛魔。螭纹作为瑞兽的装饰题材一直沿用到明清时代。 不同的佩饰,往往有不同的表意功能。古人有选择地佩带一些饰物,常常为了寄托某种 美好的愿望,元好问诗句:“玉环何意两相连,环取无限玉取坚。”环有无限尽的意思,玉也 能传达出人们祈福求祥的意愿。《后汉书》:“诏赐御府衣一袭,自所服冠帻绶,玉壶革带, 金错钩佩。”玉壶是玉制的壶形佩饰,由皇帝颁发,表示敬老、嘉奖之意。 可多得的珍品。 有的佩饰还有提醒、告诫的作用。《韩非子·观行》记载:“西门豹之性急,故佩韦以自缓; 董安于之性缓,故佩弦以自急。”韦皮性子柔软,性子急的人佩带它告诫自己不要急躁;弓弦 常紧绷,慢性子的人佩带它提醒自己不要懒散。清代出现了斋戒牌,在祭祀活动时佩于胸前, 以提醒大家共保恭肃之心。

This "Chi Print Jade Pei" is nine small pieces and a large connection is very perfect, which belongs to the auspicious jade ornaments of the Qing Dynasty, which can both be worn or played. Prying for auspicious luck with jade is often expressed through auspicious words, patterns or auspicious animals engraved on it. Chi has been regarded as auspicious animals since ancient times and carved on utensils as auspicious patterns, while the decoration used alone as jade began in the Warring States Period. It is also a popular decorative theme of jade in the Han Dynasty. It is said that it can ward off evil spirits and dispel demons. Chi pattern as the decorative theme until the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Different ornaments, often have different apparent functions. The ancients chose to wear some ornaments, often in order to place a certain good wish, Yuan Hao asked the poem: "the jade ring what meaning two connected, the ring to take infinite jade to take firm." Ring has an infinite meaning, jade can also convey people's wishes to pray for prosperity. "The Book of the Han Dynasty": "The imperial coat, from the robe of the ribbon, jade pot leather belt, gold wrong hook wear." Jade pot is a jade pot-shaped ornaments, issued by the emperor, indicating the meaning of respect, commendation. But more treasures. Some ornaments also have the role of reminder, warning. "Han Feizi view line" records: "the west gate leopard is urgent, so Pei Wei to slow down; Dong An in the slow, so the string to self-urgent." Wei pi soft, impatient people with it to warn yourself not to be impatient; bow string often tight, chronic people wear it to remind themselves not to be lazy. In the Qing Dynasty, the fast card appeared, put on the chest during sacrificial activities to remind everyone to share the heart of respect.


Dragon is an important decorative beast of Chinese art, to the Ming Dynasty appeared "dragon nine", including: dragon nine kinds, each good, a straining, like a turtle, good load, under the stone turtle is also; chi kiss, like a beast, good sex, now the beast head is also, three, like a dragon and small, sex is called roar.


Gao Guyu is often used as a jade by royal officials of the emperor. It has a profound connotation from materials, production techniques, and cultural atmosphere. Formed in the early Western Zhou Dynasty, the emperor wore a demonstration instrument on his chest. Play a high jade, just like reading the legend of the ancient history, the ancient jade in the hands of the human story vaguely considerable, ancient meaning, people are well-informed, the mood of the player can not be expressed in language.


his piece of Qing Dynasty chi pattern high ancient jade pepper is a rare quality. Work atmosphere, at a glance to know this extraordinary, ancient jade can be preserved to the present appearance so good, very rare. The ancient Yulong teacher of the Second Han Dynasty was very rare, and both their own collection or their return on investment were great, and the market was hot and dynamic.


This ancient jade nine pieces of small combination together, nine in ancient times also known as the extreme number, nine five of honor, for the court emperor wear, can be spread to now, keep so intact, it is rare!





